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  1. Nike had to take their posters down.  ( Quelle: Roularta MediaGro... )

  2. Dat wordt door de organisatoren op een grappige manier benadrukt met een citaat van Oscar Wilde : Experiment is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.  ( Quelle: Roularta MediaGro... )

  3. Every year, the few who believe Beckett's bones are still in the cathtedral meet to re-affirm their belief and their vow of secrecy.  ( Quelle: Roularta MediaGro... )

  4. How can they keep their jobs ?  ( Quelle: Roularta MediaGro... )

  5. So, while the family its down happily to their Sundayroast, the poor foreign student who is staying with them has to make do with fish fingers !  ( Quelle: Roularta MediaGro... )

  6. The organisers claimed that, in their tenacious single-mindedness ("when they go after you, they get you"), midgies were "a brilliant symbol for our country".  ( Quelle: Roularta MediaGro... )

  7. Zij zouden de euro aanzien als een redmiddel: Belgians suffering from a collapsing central authority, even hope the euro will help to stop their country falling apart.  ( Quelle: Roularta MediaGro... )

  8. However, because so many people now want to live on their own, it is recently becoming as big a problem as it ever was.  ( Quelle: Roularta MediaGro... )

  9. Zij schreef een bijdrage over haar onderzoek naar dit houtje in het boek 'Old English Runes and their Continental Background' dat over enkele weken in de boekhandels ligt.  ( Quelle: ECI )