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  1. So, while the family its down happily to their Sundayroast, the poor foreign student who is staying with them has to make do with fish fingers !  ( Quelle: Roularta MediaGro... )

  2. The conventional means of protecting children from potentially harmful viewing is simply not to allow them to watch TV at certain times.  ( Quelle: Roularta MediaGro... )

  3. At present, the library's regular users are being consulted on how admission charges should work and who should have to pay them.  ( Quelle: Roularta MediaGro... )

  4. Alternatively, even if they manage to remain united, it might be very easy for the Labour party to paint them as dangerous extremists.  ( Quelle: Roularta MediaGro... )

  5. I help them focus."  ( Quelle: Roularta MediaGro... )

  6. Photoweb If you can't beat them, join them.  ( Quelle: Roularta MediaGro... )

  7. Every year, he had to arrange for the shipping home of 70 bodies to Britain, most of them drug or alcohol-related deaths.  ( Quelle: Roularta MediaGro... )

  8. But this does not stop the British being endlessly fascinated by the existence of different classes and how to identify them.  ( Quelle: Roularta MediaGro... )

  9. (So I suppose you would need to be a succesful burglar in orde to pay for them !).  ( Quelle: Roularta MediaGro... )