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  1. But while UPS was becoming more efficient on the ground, other players snuck into the game and soared above them in the air freight business.  ( Quelle: AP )

  2. That was the first year I snuck through the gates with some buddies (we told the usher that the guy behind us had our tickets).  ( Quelle: Wall Street Journ... )

  3. One resident along the Au Sable River, Norbert Szkotnicki, said he snuck past police barricades Tuesday evening to check on his home.  ( Quelle: AP )

  4. Then, you snuck into the bathroom and if they smelled it, you were in trouble," she said. "It's horrible." Tensions also ran high among some restaurant owners.  ( Quelle: AP 1988 )

  5. Needless to say, it's buried in yet another section in the "Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act," which snuck through with the continuing resolution just before Christmas.  ( Quelle: Wall Street Journ... )