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  1. Soldiers loyal to the 3-year-old civilian government on Tuesday snuffed out the second attempted military coup in a year without firing a shot.  ( Quelle: AP 1989 )

  2. They had demanded the resignation of Jakes, President Gustav Husak and other leaders associated with the hard-line policies pursued since Warsaw Pact tanks snuffed out Dubcek's reform.  ( Quelle: AP 1989 )

  3. The chances are, however, that it will not achieve octogenarian status, with the after-life it has managed to preserve since the death of the party in August being snuffed out at last. It has run out of money, and is several million roubles in debt.  ( Quelle: Financial Times 1992 )

  4. Local art restorers, professors and critics fulminated that Mr. Goldreyer had snuffed out the painting's sparkle.  ( Quelle: Wall Street Journ... )

  5. But fires at between 450 and 500 other wells must still be snuffed out.  ( Quelle: Wall Street Journ... )

  6. Danilo Maniti, said the fuse of the bomb apparently had been lit since it was partially burned, but it "must have been snuffed out by rain." No suspect or motive have been found in the attempted bombing, according to a statement issued by the base.  ( Quelle: AP 1988 )

  7. RJR Nabisco Inc. snuffed out its "smokeless" cigarette after spending millions of dollars during almost a decade of research.  ( Quelle: AP 1989 )

  8. Boots & Coots snuffed 64 wells in 1980, its best year, but that trailed off to 27 last year.  ( Quelle: Wall Street Journ... )

  9. Some recent Trinity graduates remember how their first spark of aspiration to teach was nearly snuffed out.  ( Quelle: Wall Street Journ... )

  10. The joy of America's 212th birthday was muted by the drought, which snuffed fireworks in many communities because of wildfire fears, and by fireworks-sparked fires, which injured at least 18 people.  ( Quelle: AP 1988 )