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  1. Papp, producer of the New York Shakespeare Festival, decided last month to withdraw an offer to the El-Hakawati Palestinian Theater Company of Jerusalem because of concern about the reactions of Jewish theatergoers.  ( Quelle: AP 1989 )

  2. Unlike recent years, there are few new musicals to whet theatergoers' appetites.  ( Quelle: AP 1989 )

  3. Theater critics loved Martin as much as theatergoers did.  ( Quelle: AP )

  4. Still, most theatergoers will focus their attention on Baryshnikov.  ( Quelle: AP 1989 )

  5. For a $350 fee, Waller trains actors in the art of dueling with such deadly weapons as rapier and dagger, broadsword and quarterstaff without committing mayhem on the stage _ but convincing theatergoers they're seeing the real thing.  ( Quelle: AP )

  6. In October, the authorities banned his staging of "Suksesi" ("Succession"), an allegory that most theatergoers interpreted as an attack on the wealth and power of President Suharto's children.  ( Quelle: Wall Street Journ... )

  7. That, alone, might have ensured a throng of Soviet theatergoers. But Andrei Vosnesensky, a leading Soviet poet, added two other politically daring elements in his libretto.  ( Quelle: AP )