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  1. Can "Masterpiece Theatre" make a compelling human story out of the discovery of insulin?  ( Quelle: Wall Street Journ... )

  2. Now "Masterpiece Theatre" has decided that we Yanks are also ready.  ( Quelle: Wall Street Journ... )

  3. This anxiety is shared by critics, which may explain the aforementioned objections to basing a "Masterpiece Theatre" series on an idea by Herb Schmertz.  ( Quelle: Wall Street Journ... )

  4. The only way is to add them to ordinary household contents insurance or, if you also collect indoor artworks and antiques, to a fine art policy offered by specialists such as Hiscox, Nordstern, Masterpiece and Wellington.  ( Quelle: Financial Times 1993 )

  5. The editors gave PBS' "Masterpiece Theatre" the "Most Misnamed Series" title.  ( Quelle: AP 1988 )

  6. "The character is me; I see the world that he sees," says the 62-year-old actor, who can be seen on Masterpiece Theater on PBS on Sunday playing fictional Prime Minister Harry Perkins, a socialist who is unseated by his own uppercrust secret service.  ( Quelle: AP 1989 )

  7. She, of course, got her wish. "Bali, Masterpiece of the Gods" will be broadcast Wednesday on PBS as the second show in the National Geographic Special's 25th anniversary series.  ( Quelle: AP )

  8. Ms. Drabble talks into the receiver in tones familiar to most Americans only from Masterpiece Theater.  ( Quelle: Wall Street Journ... )

  9. George Smiley returns, this time in a two-part "Masterpiece Theatre" mystery, played, this time also, by Denholm Elliott.  ( Quelle: Wall Street Journ... )

  10. "Masterpiece Theatre" and "The Civil War" are important pieces of the public-television spectrum; so are subjects and perspectives ignored by the market-driven networks.  ( Quelle: Wall Street Journ... )