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  1. Bill Drake of the Game Commission, who supervised the census from a hangar at Saint Marys Airport, says, "For Pennsylvanians, elk are pretty impressive.  ( Quelle: AP )

  2. The plant's operations will be moved to a plant in St. Marys, Pa. The move will result in layoffs of 555 people, the company said.  ( Quelle: AP 1989 )

  3. Alderman says Navy officials at St. Marys are aware of the problems and are trying to get Washington to do more.  ( Quelle: AP 1989 )

  4. Just across the tracks from the antebellum charm of historic St. Marys, where old oaks drip Spanish moss, a new nuclear submarine base is changing the face of the countryside with shopping malls and low-cost housing.  ( Quelle: AP 1989 )

  5. Coile, 48, of Danielsville was taken to St. Marys Hospital in critical condition and airlifted to Humana Hospital in Augusta, said a St. Marys spokesman.  ( Quelle: AP 1989 )

  6. He described him as "cocky and standoffish ... a hard guy to approach." Former President Ronald Reagan will leave St. Marys Hospital on Friday, one week after skull surgery, his spokesman said.  ( Quelle: AP 1989 )

  7. In the 1930s, cartoonist Roy Crane visited and was so taken by the town streetcar that he used it as a model for his "Toonerville Trolly." Visitors to St. Marys once got the impression that anything destined to happen here happened long ago.  ( Quelle: AP 1989 )

  8. In the 19th century, the Erie Canal put St. Marys on the map.  ( Quelle: Wall Street Journ... )

  9. Marquette received 14 inches of snow and 18 ships sought protection in the St. Marys River and Lake Superior's Whitefish Bay from winds up to 45 mph.  ( Quelle: AP 1989 )