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  1. Journalist Carl T. Rowan writes in his syndicated column for Thursday that as long as society is "awash in guns and drugs," he feels justified in using a gun to protect his home and family.  ( Quelle: AP 1988 )

  2. Journalist Tarmu Tammerk disputed those figures, however.  ( Quelle: AP )

  3. Journalist Frederick Kempe's recent book "Divorcing the Dictator" said that in 1976 Allen urged prosecution of Manuel Antonio Noriega after the Panamanian general bribed U.S. officials to obtain secret intelligence tapes.  ( Quelle: AP )

  4. Journalist Frederick Kempe's book said the payments were made even after Noriega bribed U.S. officials to obtain secret intelligence tapes and was linked to bombings aimed at American targets.  ( Quelle: AP )

  5. Another reporter, Antonio Jiang of Taiwan's Journalist Weekly, said he had been told by China's Ministry of State Security that Huang would not be allowed an attorney.  ( Quelle: AP 1989 )

  6. Today's birthdays: Journalist Martin Agronsky is 75. Singer Ray Price is 64. The "Amazing Kreskin" is 55. Actress Kirstie Alley is 35.  ( Quelle: AP )

  7. Journalist Lally Weymouth has reported how the "No GWEN Alliance" dispersed pamphlets asserting that "GWEN towers stand for nuclear war."  ( Quelle: Wall Street Journ... )

  8. Journalist Lazar Stani said after the rally that the Communists had agreed to permit the appearance of an opposition newspaper twice a week - a major opposition demand.  ( Quelle: AP )

  9. Editor Mark Rossiter was named Journalist of the Year, photographer Mike Boden won the Image of the Year award and the newspaper was given the team journalism award.  ( Quelle: Financial Times 1994 )

  10. Michael Smith, labour editor of The Observer, won the national newspaper industrial journalist award. John Authers of the Financial Times has won the Unit Trust National Journalist Award made by the Unit Trust Association.  ( Quelle: Financial Times 1992 )